Someone who chooses to live & lead with heart to create a business where they can express their highest self.

[noun: soul-pre-neur]



Whether you’re exploring a side hustle, have taken the leap of faith to monetize your calling, or want to scale a business that gives you freedom, flexibility, and balance — you’ll find the answer in one of my programs below. 

I can’t wait to guide you on your journey!

These programs are created with Soulpreneurs at the core.

We don’t use “salesy” tactics. We’re purposeful, authentic and dream of making an impact. We trust our hearts and feel connected. We crave to be in alignment so our gifts can flow. 

Soulpreneurs create businesses differently.

A foundational mini-course designed to discover your Soulpreneur niche and enlighten you about my inner work success secrets. 

Find Your Passion. Live Your Purpose. 

OM Your Clarity


✨ What YOU have to offer so you can uncover your wildest dreams.

✨ How to authentically show up as a leader, expert, and someone people pay to learn from. 

✨ Mindset expansion that fuels your energetic impact and sustainable success. 

✨ Exclusive access to LightOM— A powerful community where you can bounce ideas around and feel a support shift like never before. 

✨ Unlimited access to ALL resources, workshops & bonuses for 1 whole year! 

By joining, you’ll unlock…


Shine online, create a loyal fan base, and amplify your message for an omni-potent online presence specific for the wellness industry. 

Stand Out & share With SOUL.
The digital Strategy for Soulpreneurs.

OMni (360º)

Get Your presence OM

Plus, I share my signature 3C framework that gets you growing viral (the right way!) instead of staying stuck and struggling to make ends meet. 

✨ What your UNIQUE thing is that sets you apart within a “saturated” market. 

✨ The mindful Consistent Creator strategies I personally use to stay inspired, even when you feel ready to take a 1-month hiatus. 

✨ How to grow your audience from non-existent to soul-aligned and ready to buy. 

✨ How to lean into purpose-driven partnerships and attract influencers who want to influence WITH you. 

✨ What truly makes a captivating passive income stream so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed about NOW. 

Inside, you'll learn...


Unlock your true potential inside OM Your Legacy — an interactive & immersive VIP experience that transforms your mind, body, spirit, and business. 

Live Free. Get Ready For Your Legacy. 



Upgrade your Legacy experience with 1:1 mentorship and/or our done-for-you service that saves you time & energy so you can finally see your big vision come to fruition. 

Remember: You are the STAR in your Oscar-worthy blockbuster. 
It’s time to ascend to your legacy. 

Ascend To True Abundance. 

(And without confusion, doubt, or hesitation holding them back.) 

Get ready to know EVERYTHING and unlock the visionary entrepreneur I know you are. 

For ambitious Soulpreneurs who require a customized roadmap towards a life filled with fresh air, freedom, and FUN…



- raisah wellness leader & business owner

Some days it still feels like a dream that I'm ACTUALLY doing this - that it's not something "I want to do" but something that came to life."

After our session was over, I literally looked up to the sky and was like God, is this real?!?!?!

- Rikki, Relationship Coach

I've used all the things I learned from the course and the account is growing daily!! I've had several viral posts and am excited it's all in line with the coaching biz I'm starting!"

This course gave me more than I expected, I thought I'd walk out with a virtual yoga program...

- dev, yoga teacher + teacher trainer

But after working with Janice I not only have clear plans to execute my dreams, I’ve also built out fully functioning business systems, attracted more 1:1 clients than ever.

I cannot speak highly enough of this program! I would never be where I am at now without Janice’s amazing guidance and support on this journey." 

— Tish, yoga teacher + doula, business ownER

I've gone from teaching in yoga studios to quitting my 9-5 to launching my own company, now we have multiple offers and are even hiring multiple team members! In the time we've worked together my months have jumped more than 4x"

I can't tell you how helpful this course has been...

hear from our beloved students...

don't just take our word

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